Using visuals encourages active participation, collaboration and learning for all students. These illustrated blessing (brachah) charts have been created to help facilitate participation of all students in holiday and Shabbat celebrations. The pictures included are simple symbols (Mayer-Johnson) used to create visual supports for students. Created with transliteration, Hebrew and English, these illustrated blessing charts are accessible to all students.
Available Illustrated Blessing Charts:
Blessing for Fruit from the Tree
Blessing for Sitting in the Sukkah
Blessing for the Shabbat Candles
Blessing Before Eating Challah
First Hanukkah Candle Blessing
Second Hanukkah Candle Blessing
Blessing Before Megillah Reading
Second Blessing Before Megillah Reading
Third Blessing Before Megillah Reading-Shehechiyanu
Multiple versions of each blessing are available for download. Select the version appropriate for your community.
Version Code (all versions include pictures and English):
1 = Transliteration, God’s name spelled out
2 = Transliteration, G-d’s name as
3 = Hebrew, God’s name as
4 = Hebrew, G-d’s name as